Eddie Tapp is an award-winning photographer, lecturer, consultant and author on digital imaging issues.
Eddie Tapp
Based in Atlanta, Georga, for the past 20 years, Eddie has been actively involved in educating and consulting corporations, studios and advertising agencies in Photoshop and the applications of digital imaging workflow, color management, pre-press and digital photography through workshops, seminars, on-site consulting and training.
He's the author of a new series of books called Eddie Tapp on Digital Photography, and the first two titles in the series, Photoshop Workflow Setups and "Practical Color Management", bring the same easy going, approachable style Eddie brings to his live training sessions. His articles have appeared in The Professional Photographer, Rangefinder, Photo Electronic Imaging, Infoto magazine, Southern Exposure & Digital Capture, and ShutterBug magazine.
Eddie is Director of the Institute of Visual Arts in Maui, Hawaii, and he served 6 years as the Chairman of the Committee on Digital and Advanced Imaging for the Professional Photographers of America, where he holds the Master of Photography, Master of Electronic Imaging, and Photographic Craftsman degrees, as well as being a PPA Approved Photographic Instructor.
Eddie is perhaps best known as a Photoshop industry pioneer who has trained a number of today's most famous Photoshop authors and instructors, many of whom proudly share that they took their first Photoshop class from Eddie himself.
Besides his widespread fame as a Photoshop instructor, behind the lens Eddie has been honored as both a Canon Explorer of Light and a Canon Print Master. His corporate clients are a who's who of American business and include Epson, Eastman Kodak, Foveon, Polaroid, and Apple Computer, among others, as well as a host of international corporations and government agencies.
Today Eddie spends his time consulting for major corporations, as well as teaching Photoshop, photography, and digital imaging around the world, and his simple teaching philosophy still guides his writing and live sessions to this day: "solve people's problems by giving them straightforward answers in clear language. "
It is for Eddie's many contributions as Photoshop educator, author, and digital imaging pioneer that we honor him with his induction into the Photoshop Hall of Fame.
For more info on Eddie, visit his website at EddieTapp.com
Eddie on stage during his acceptance speech.