Bruce Fraser: bestselling author, internationally renowned Photoshop trainer and a founder and principal of Pixel Genius LLC.
Bruce Fraser
1954 - 2006
Born in Edinborough, Scotland, Bruce was one of the world’s leading authorities on color and digital imaging. During his career he’s written literally hundreds of articles on publishing and color fidelity, and is co-author of the award-winning “Real World Photoshop” series, as well as the bestselling books “Real World Color Management” and “Real World Camera Raw.”
His fascinating books, and amazing insights into how color works, have made him a much sought-after speaker and consultant on image reproduction, color correction, and color management. During his celebrated career, Bruce has written for MacWeek and MacUser magazines, as well as penning the popular “Out of Gamut” column for He was also recently featured in a Photoshop User magazine cover story on advanced Camera Raw techniques.
Bruce has played an important role in the development of Photoshop by being both an Alpha and Beta tester of the product that he started using back before it was even called Photoshop. His input has helped guide the path of Photoshop’s color management implimentation and he’s widely regarded in the industry as the father of digital color management.
Bruce spent his time consulting for major digital imaging and photographic companies, an well as teaching color management around the world. In his role at Pixel Genius, he’s no longer just influencing software development, but guiding it as well.
When describing PixelGenius, Bruce reveals a fascinating insight into how the company came to be, and its philosophy. Bruce says “In December 2002, I became partners with five of the best people, not just in the industry but on the planet, in Pixel Genius LLC. We do business in a way calculated to drive MBA’s insane—we’re all good friends first and foremost, we don’t take outside capital, we make the tools WE need, we don’t really have a marketing budget, and we aim for unanimity in all our decisions. We’re slowly growing the product line in a way that lets us keep our users happy, and it’s become a big part of my work.”
It is for Bruce's many contributions to both the development and education of Photoshop, that we honor him with his induction into the Photoshop Hall of Fame.
Sadly, Bruce passed away in December of 2006. You can read more about Bruce's life, work, and many contributions to the digital imaging world at