Chris Cox is a Senior Computer Scientist at
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Chris Cox
Chris Cox is a Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe. Chris was studying physics in college when Photoshop was first released and maintained an FTP site for Photoshop tips since the Internet didn’t exist yet. After college, he began working on the PowerShop accelerator card for Photoshop at Adaptive Solutions. Adobe liked his work on the accelerator and brought him on board in 1996 to work on Photoshop performance. His experience in optics, painting, photography, and printing would prove even more useful when working with Photoshop customers.
Since beginning his work at Adobe, he has been responsible for a number of Photoshop advancements including most of the 16 bit/channel code and almost all of the 32 bit/channel code, benchmarks and fixing bugs while constantly working on improving performance. In addition, Chris holds several Photoshop-related patents.
Chris during his Hall of Fame acceptance speech at the Photoshop World Conference & Expo