Glenn is an award-winning digital illustrator
who has been credited with the development
of a whole new genre in digital art.
Glen Mitsui
His often-imitated style features a high-tech, contemporary look that combines vivid colors with stylized geometric shapes to create pieces that are unique to the intended audience while maintaining a look that is distinctly his own.
Glenn got his start as a professional illustrator while drawing nuts and bolts on the night shift for the Boeing Corporation. His notoriety as a designer began when he landed an assignment for Macworld Magazine which led to further assignments from Macworld as well as BusinessWeek, Newsweek, Time, The Wall Street Journal, PC World, Discovery Magazine, Altantic Monthly, the L.A. Times, and others. In 1989 he helped found Studio MD, the award-winning Seattle-based design firm that served as a base for his growing business until he went out on his own as a freelance illustrator and designer.
Glenn has been sought out by such prestigious clients as the Sony Corporation, Time, Forbes, Apple, Microsoft, Mercedes, and IBM, and he has won awards from Print, HOW, the Society of Illustrators, the Society of Publication Designers, and Graphis.
Glenn has lectured for AIGA, MacWorld Toyko, the Photoshop Conference, and also chaired a conference for digital illustrators called “Technique.” He has done many workshops for colleges and is one of the co-founders of the AIGA Link program, which works with inner city youth.
His work continues to bring validity and notoriety to the field of digital illustration in Photoshop, leaving a legacy that continues to impact the work of Photoshop users to this very day.
For More about Glen Mitsui
Glen during his Hall of Fame acceptance speech.