Jack Davis is a Photoshop educator, author, designer, and photographer.
Jack Davis
Jack is co-author of the award-winning and best-selling series The Photoshop Wow! Book. This groundbreaking book was the second book ever written for Adobe Photoshop users, and has over a million and a half copies in print worldwide in 12 different languages.
For almost 20 years, Jack Davis has been an internationally recognized creative spokesperson on digital imagery and the visual communication. He has given keynote addresses on computer tools and creativity at conferences and universities throughout the US, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, Brazil and Australia, as well as leading numerous hands-on workshops around the US and abroad.
Prior to turning to writing, teaching and photographing full-time, Davis was the founding Art Director for three major creative companies in the San Diego area, where he makes his home. Jack has degrees in traditional Art and Graphic Design and an M.A. and M.F.A. in Digital Imagery, Art and Design from San Diego State University, where he was also the first computer graphics instructor, back in 1985.
Jack was also Art Director for Presto Studios, the creators of the award-winning Journeyman Project, the world’s first photorealistic interactive adventure on CD-ROM. Davis was also the Creative Director/Designer for Verbum Interactive, the world’s first integrated multimedia publication. He has done pioneering multimedia work in virtual reality training simulation, corporate communications, interactive HDTV, the next generation of TV set-top boxes as well as interface design for motion pictures.
Jack is a truly gifted Photoshop trainer and digital photographer, and has been one of the key trainers at PhotoshopWorld since 1999.
He’s featured in his own national WOW! Seminar tour, and teaches at the Lepp Institute of Digital Imaging. He shares his talent and experience as a contributing editor through his regular columns in Photoshop User magazine as well as Nikon’s Capture User magazine, and recently has started two new book series: One-click Wow and How 2 Wow.
Not content to limit his training to print, Jack is also featured in Photoshop Wow video training CDs for photography, from Software-Cinema.
Jack’s passion, energy and commitment to quality comes through in every book, every article and every live training session he leads. That’s why we’re proud to honor him and his continuing contributions to the field of Photoshop education with his induction into the Photoshop Hall of Fame.
For more info on Jack, visit him on Facebook
Jack receiving his award from Scott Kelby